Tuesday, August 26, 2008


My name is Karen. I am not a real runner. Until a week ago I was not a runner at all. I think I actually hate running, but I don't know much about it, so I shouldn't judge. I have given birth to 3 kids in the past 4 years, and my body needs at least a little exercise. Not that I was in great shape prior to having kids, but now seems like the perfect time to get that ball rolling. So thanks for the encouragement, Jesse, and thank you for inviting me to contribute to your blog.

I just finished reading a book called Run For It, about a woman who sounds like me... hated running, embarrassed about"jiggling" (we'll leave it at that), and who just kept hanging on to those extra tens of pounds since adolescence. Her name was also Karen. The key differences between us are that now she has run 3 marathons and taught running clinics.

I do not aspire to running marathons. I aspire to being a) not at all overweight, b) self confident, and c) IN SHAPE for once in my life. I am pretty sure running as a lifestyle can really help me reach those goals. So here I am... posting in the public forum might just help motivate me out the door when I am not feeling like it.

In the past week I have run 3.2 miles (thank you, MapMyRun).

1 comment:

Jesse Ray said...

Welcome Karen. You made the biggest decision just to get started. Now for the little decisions we have to make on a daily or weekly basis: "should I lace up my shoes?" Hopefully fun can be found in sharing about sore legs, running boredom, or just beating the procrastination bug that tries to have us wait till tomorrow.