Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday run

I finally ran after too long of a pause. As I mentioned I am not a "real" runner, and something as silly as a stressful month of studying for a securities license exam and working was enough to keep me from pounding the pavement. (oh yeah, and it has been cold here in Michigan, too).

Emily came over Sunday afternoon and we ran 2 miles. Emily has obviously been running more consistently than myself, but I would just like to mention for the record that I beat Emily up the big hill.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Running isn't as hard as I remember

I went running again today. This time I went 2.7 miles. I wanted to go on but since I ran 4 yesterday I thought my body would end up hating me. So I thought it would be better to keep the miles down today. Jesse, want to come running with me soon?

Its getting warm!

Three days ago I ran 2 miles. Yesterday I was going to run 2 miles but I couldn't stop so I kept going until I reached 4 miles. It felt great and I forget why I stopped running. I gotta keep this up now!...as long as it stays warm outside.

Monday, March 3, 2008


After a month of not running, one mile felt great. It was cold and the wind was hurting our throats and lungs but Jesse and I suffered through a whole MILE! Maria came along for the ride too. I hope to go out more often now that I am not tired and sick all of the time from mononucleosus. We'll post next time.